2014年9月30日 星期二

SPD4459 [Entertainment] 影到你翻天 Be a part of it。3D Museum ( Entertainment in Tsim Sha Tsui ) * By E-Buddies


Hi, everyone, so happy to see you again. Having a guess where it is in the picture below.

SPD4459 entertainment

SPD4459 entertainment

韓國3D美術館? 其實呢度係香港尖沙咀既3D藝術館。本次亦係香港首個3D藝術館,總共有5個主題區,超過70件3D作品展出。特別加入本土特色,畫面超真實,讓你體驗不一樣的香港。

Korea 3D art museum? Nope, This is 3D museum in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. This is also the first 3D museum in Hong Kong. And there are totally 5 exhibition parts with more than 70 3D works, this will take you to a "real" entertainment world.

picture from:  HK 3D Museum 香港3D奇幻

Let's take a look now!

source from:  HK 3D Museum 香港3D奇幻世界 https://www.facebook.com/hk3dmuseum?fref=ts

SPD4459 entertainment

嘩,睇到d圖片如此刺激逼真,點可以唔去親身體驗下,帶上小朋友,家人或者同學大家一起開開心心去體驗下拉~  Wow, very cool, is it?  

source from:  HK 3D Museum 香港3D奇幻世界 https://www.facebook.com/hk3dmuseum?fref=ts

SPD4459 entertainment
picture from:  HK 3D Museum 香港3D奇幻世界 https://www.facebook.com/hk3dmuseum?fref=ts

SPD4459 entertainment


 Have you ever tried such view to see Hong Kong? There are 2 districts will make you experience the different Hong Kong, so exciting.                SPD4459 entertainment
picture from:  HK 3D Museum 香港3D奇幻世界 https://www.facebook.com/hk3dmuseum?fref=ts


How do you feel now?  I think no matter who you are, there is always one picture can make you stay~

E-buddies (SPD4459) hope you have a nice day :)




查詢電話:3568 2827

Hong Kong 3D Museum
Address: Kowloon, Hong Kong Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Hilton Building, 1st Floor, No. 96
Open date: 7 July, 2014
Open time:  Monday - Sunday , from 10am to 10pm.
Ticket price: $149(adult),  $100(3-12 child and 65 or above senior citizen )
Website: www.hk3dm.com.hk 
Contact: 3568 2827

想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 的facebook:
Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

Edited by John, Lin Ruonan (SPD4459 E-Buddies)[spd4459 entertainment in yau tsim mong (internet marketing and public relations)]

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong / Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment

2014年9月29日 星期一

SPD4459 [Entertainment] 美心x聾貓 搞搞新意思 * By E-Buddies

SPD4459 又到返工返學星期一啦﹗ 唔洗驚﹗ 今日有好野介紹﹗ 為你地既星期一搞搞搞意思﹗


第一步,緊係要晏晝食得精彩﹗  晏晝食得頹,仲邊有力氣做埋下半場﹖


Goodbye lovely Sunday, Monday again, Don't be afraid! 
Today we would like to recommend a special restaurant to you, let your Monday full of power!
Lunch is very important to support our daily work during working hours, therefore we can try to let lunch more difference! 〔spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations〕

spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

近日,美心MX 同 聾貓 聯手創作一啲 3D畫,放係餐廳入面,俾客人去影相,令客人係食飯既同時,都可以享受視覺上既享受,而且仲可以玩埋一份﹗究竟點玩﹖就係︰

上載你與 MX 皇牌 3D 美食合照到美心MX WeChat官方帳號並參加投票活動,即時可得到汽水優惠劵乙張再者 機會贏取限量版MX聾貓廚神禮品,得票最高之參加者更可得到「Sony 全新 Cyber-shot RX100 III」!

Recently, Maxim's MX X Panda a Panda created some 3D printing and place into the Maxim's MX restaurant, let eating more enjoyable. Now, if you upload with Panda a Panda photos to Maxim's MX WeChat, you can get one of soft drink coupon and have an opportunity  to win ' Panda a Panda 's special prize' and 'Sony Cyber Short RX100' 〔spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations〕

spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

如果話食晝時間太趕,無時間影相,就以為無機會贏取獎品﹖ 緊係唔係啦﹗


Also, you can buy foods more than $40 to get the lucky draw card!

呢項活動淨係去到 2014年10月17日 嫁咋﹗快D去啦﹗

This activity just until to 17th OCT,2014! Let's go now!

地點  Locations:

HK District
中華總商會大廈The Chinese General Chamber of
Commerce Building

Kornhill malls
Percival Po Hon Building
No.26, Canal Road West 
西洋菜南街168 號No. 168,Sai Yeung Choi Street
Yau Shing Commercial Building, Sai Yeung Choi Street South 
Park Central康寧道11號No.11Hong Ning Road
Celestial Place
沙田中心Shatin Centre
Wo Che malls
Sunny malls
Chinese Garden

詳情請去/More Detail︰


想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 的facebook:

Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong


SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment

2014年9月27日 星期六

SPD4459 [Entertainment] 品味·人生 "葡萄"盛宴 * By E-Buddies

SPD4459 品味·人生 "葡萄"盛宴

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

It's time for our daily blog post again. Have you planned for your weekends? Have you ever thought of spending your relaxing holiday worthwhile in such a quality time? I suggest you to read my Saturday's favorite before deciding who would be your accompany in this weekend.

Each year, lots of Hong Kongers are willing to spend a lot on travelling, not just to relax their mind and soul, also explore the cultural background among countries.If it is talking about the most phenomenal enjoyment, we should probably include the fascinating thing in worldwide- Grape Wines. However, in order to classify theirs tastes, fruity flavor and manufacturing factories, time and capital must be the important factors to consider with.〔spd4459 entertainment- internet marketing and public relations〕

spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relation)spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relation)

spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relation)
In the Saturday's favorite, we shall introduce you an event which has already opened up in yesterday(25th Sept) called "Pieroth Autumn Wine Festival 2014" in offering us an unique chance to taste international wines and sparkling wines with high quality including Germany, Bordeaux, Hungary etc. for all wine-lovers! Apart from that, there will be some professional who can teach you on identifying those up-to-quality wines, , most surprisingly, assisting you to choose your own favorite effortlessly, so that you can share with your friends. 〔spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations〕

spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relation)

相信有左今次既經驗,就唔使再要去哂咁多個酒莊逐次逐次試,先搵到岩自己口味既葡萄酒,亦可以好輕易地追求對品味人生既享受。最重要既當然係要知道入場費全免! 難得一次既機會,你萬勿錯過! !
With this exciting experience, I think you no longer need to visit a lot to find out your soul mate- Perfect wine in life, also brings a relaxing Saturday evening to enjoy your moment in life. Remember it requires nothing and certainly it is Free of Charge. Grab this, you will see.
spd4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relation)
活動詳情 :

日期:9月26日 至 10月5日 (星期五至日) (連續十天)
時間:中午12時 至 晚上9 時

Event Detail:
Pieroth Autumn Wine Festival 2014

Date: Sept 26 to Oct 5 (Fri to Sun) (Total 10 Days)
Time: 12 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Venue: Basement, Fashion World, Wonderful Worlds of Whampoa, 
Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom, Kowloon 
Wish to know more, please visit.


SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong

2014年9月26日 星期五

[SPD4459,Entertainment] 週末嘉年華 ~ Happy Weekend Carnival!* By E-Buddies

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

^_^ Happy Friday!

今日起,一連三日 (26至28號) 係尖沙咀K11藝術購物館將會舉行全港最具規模嘅設計巿集!

Yeah~ Happy Friday! SPD4459 E-Buddies have a good idea and entertainment for planning your wonderful weekend! 
From 26 to 28 Sept, there is a Hong Kong's largest design fair at K11 Art Space. There are 59 units of original design to showcase their own creative items, ranged from fashion & accessories to leather products. (spd4459 entertainment- internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)


All of you can communicate with different designers to get experiences also inspire your creative mind! Besides, there are some workshops which are suitable for both children and adults. After the workshop, you can also bring your own handmade works home! (spd4459 entertainment- internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations) 

工作坊詳情 Workshop details:(Click it~)
土耳其大理石浮紋水畫工作坊 Ebru Marbling Art Workshop
「飲茶」點心蠟燭工作坊 "YUM CHA" Dimsum Candle Making Workshop
瓶中森林創作坊 Jungle Workshop 

Instagram 尋寶遊戲。

On the other hand, there is a "Fun Corner" which included: 
Instant film studio, 
Collect specified stamp to have free snacks: popcorn and cotton candy, 
Instagram treasure hunt. 

Don't miss this funny event! It can let you feel happy and relax! Let's enjoy your weekend! SPD4459 E-Buddies will go too!

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

Design Mart 2014 @K11 
日期 Date26 – 28 September 2014
地點 VenueK11藝術購物館B2層、中庭、L1層、L2;K11 Art Space (B207), Atrium, L1 and L2 
參展藝術單位 Participating art groupsBeCandleJungle In A BottleWoufTakon (POSTalk) 

Instagram:搜索 「designmart

(Information from Design Mart website)

想了解我們更多,快點去關注我們 E-buddies SPD4459 的facebook:
Want more detail? go and like our E-buddies SPD4459 

facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Enjoyinyautsimmong

Edited by Yvonne Li (SPD4459 E-buddies)


SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong / Entertainment
官方網站 : http://www.designmart.hk Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/designmart.hk Instagram : 搜索 「designmart」
Source: http://timable.com/event/639728 | Copyright © Timable
官方網站 : http://www.designmart.hk Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/designmart.hk Instagram : 搜索 「designmart」
Source: http://timable.com/event/639728 | Copyright © Timable

2014年9月25日 星期四

SPD4459 [Entertainment] 油麻地的電影王國 (Yau Ma Tei’s movie kingdom- entertainment) * By E-Buddies

SPD4459 油痲地電影中心建立於1996年,除左會放映本地或外地嘅熱門電影外,仲會有一d非主流嘅電影上映,定期舉辦不同嘅影展、電影節、特別放映會,包羅萬有。〔spd4459 entertainment -internet marketing and public relations)

Broadway Cinematheque (Yau Tsim Mong area) was established in year 1996, apart from broadcasting local and overseas’ hot movies, it also broadcasts some cult movies and organize different film festivals or special movie broadcasting which is quite comprehensive!!

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

In Hong Kong, there is fewer artistic theatres exist

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
The cinema’s decoration is so great; you can go there without watching movies and “wasting time” for a whole day

  1. 重點推介電影/影展 (Latest must-see movies/film festival)

  1.1 推介電影


  這部電影名字是她消失以後離開他以後,其實包含左2套電影(係呀,你冇睇錯呀,係2套),由尼迪賓遜(Ned Benson)執導,加上2位曾經榮獲奧斯卡金像獎提名嘅占士麥艾禾(James McAvoy)同謝茜嘉謝西婷(Jessica Chastain)主演,不容錯過。呢2套電影分別以男女角度拍攝,以解構男女喺愛情關係中不同嘅睇法,從而令觀眾重新審視或反思番愛情關係中嘅一d誤解。(詳情請到百老匯電影中心網址http://bc.cinema.com.hk/查詢)

Are you bored of Hollywood films? We will recommend you the following romantic movie and a film festival in order to encourage you to go to watch movie again.

This movie name is The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: HIM and The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her which is actually 2 sets of movies. The director is Ned Benson, and the main characters are James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain who are nominating for The Oscars’ awards, so audience cannot miss this film certainly. These 2 sets of movies mainly shoot by man and woman’s angles in a love relationship in order to show the difference between man or woman’s standpoints and make audience rethink and learn from the movie. (Please go to the website of Broadway Cinematheque http://bc.cinema.com.hk/for more information.)

This 2 sets of movies are broadcasted at the same time which is a smart marketing gimmick
Information source: GoldenSceneHK

1.2 推介影展

最後為大家介紹一個充滿香港回憶嘅影展-百部不可不看的香港電影。呢個影展由香港電影資料館及康樂及文化事務署主辦,並與百老匯電影中心合作播映一百部跨越 1916 1999 年的電影,為慶祝香港電影資料館10周年誌慶的重點節目。(上映電影及放映時間表請到香港電影資料館電影院http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/HKFA/b5/index.php、百老匯電影中心http://bc.cinema.com.hk/及影藝戲院http://www.cityline.com.hk/查詢)

Lastly, we will introduce a film festival which is full of Hong Kong moments- 100 Must-see Hong Kong Movies. It is organized by Hong Kong Film Archive and The Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and is cooperated with Broadway Cinematheque to broadcast about 100 sets of movies which are originated from year 1916 to 1999 in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary ceremony of Hong Kong Film Archive. (The details of movies and the screening schedule can be found in website of Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archivehttp://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/HKFA/b5/index.php, Broadway Cinemathequehttp://bc.cinema.com.hk/ and Cine-Art Househttp://www.cityline.com.hk/ respectively.) 

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
It would be more attractive when inviting Juno Mak as the ambassador of the film festival 

2. 同場加映

除左睇戲外,大家可以去電影中心隔離嘅 Kubrick行下,呢間喺集書店、影音店與咖啡店於一身的店鋪。試想像,一邊看書一邊喝咖啡絕對係忙裏偷閑的一種生活享受。

What’s more: Apart from watching movies in cinema, you can also go to “Kubrick” which is combined a bookstore, an audio & visual shop and a café into one store. Try to imagine, it would be a pleasure when you read a book and also drinking a cup of coffee! So Happy!!〔spd4459 entertainment- internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)

SPD4459 entertainment (internet marketing and public relations)
You can enjoy coffee or books in Kubrick for a whole afternoon


2388 0002 (一般查詢)
2388 3188 (票務熱線)





Edited by Lok Mei Ting 〔spd4459 entertainment- internet marketing and public relations)


SPD4459, spd4459 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing and Public Relations
District / YauTsimMong /  Yau Tsim Mong